• Bylaws


(Amended September 2020)


  • The name of this organization shall be the Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society.
  • The objectives of this Society shall be: (1) The advancement of the art and science of vascular disease and (2) the maintenance of high standards for open surgery, endovascular interventions, and medical therapy of vascular disease.
  1. There shall be six types of Society Affiliations: Active Members, Associate Members, Candidate Members, Medical Student Members, Senior Members and Honorary Members.
  2. Active Members of this Society shall be limited to physicians of good professional standing, who have a major interest and an active practice in vascular surgery and/or endovascular intervention, as demonstrated by contributions to vascular education and/or research, or participation in regional or local vascular societies. He /she /they should be certified by the American Board of Surgery or the American Board of Osteopathic Surgery in Vascular Surgery. In select cases, equivalent training may be substituted for formal certification. The number of Active Members shall not be limited.
  3. Candidate Members of this Society shall consist of individuals who are in a General Surgery Residency, Integrated Vascular Surgery Residency or Vascular Fellowship. Individuals who have completed an approved Vascular Surgery residency or fellowship may remain in the Candidate group as long as they are board eligible, but not yet certified. Individuals in the Candidate Group shall have no voting privileges, are not eligible for election as officers and are not subject to assessment for dues.
  4. Senior Members of this Society shall consist of Active Members who have reached the age of 60 years. Senior members shall have all of the responsibilities and privileges of active members, excepting those regarding attendance at meetings.
  5. Honorary Members of this Society shall consist of individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the discipline of vascular surgery. They shall have no voting privileges, are not eligible for election as officers, and are not subject to assessment for dues.
  6. Associate Members of this Society shall consist of allied health care professionals who have a major interest in vascular surgery and/or endovascular interventions. This group may include vascular nurses, nurse practitioners, registered vascular technologists and physician assistants. Individuals in the Associate Group shall have no voting privileges and are not eligible for election as officers.
  7. Medical Student Members of this Society shall consist of individuals who are currently enrolled in medical schools belonging to the geographic location of the Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society and who have an interest in the specialty of vascular surgery. Individuals in the Medical Student group shall have no voting privileges and are not eligible for election as officers.
  • An annual assembly of the Society shall be held in accordance with the By-Laws.
  1. Officers of this Society shall consist of a President, a President-Elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, all to be elected as provided in the By-Laws.
  2. There shall be a Council of the Society consisting of the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and three Councilors at-large.
  • The Society may alter or repeal any article of this constitution by a three/ fourths affirmative vote of the members present at the annual assembly, provided a copy of the proposed change has been delivered to each voting member in advance of the assembly meeting.


  1. Physicians fulfilling constitutional membership requirements who practice in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota or Wisconsin may be eligible for active membership.
  2. Applications for for Active and Associate Membership can be completed electronically from the Society’s website. Applicants should identify a Member of MVSS to serve as a sponsor. The sponsor should be familiar with the applicant’s vascular surgery training, clinical work and/or present standing in his/her/their medical community. Completed applications shall be reviewed by the Membership Committee, and approved by the Executive Council.
  3. Applications for Candidate Membership can be completed electronically from the Society’s website. Applicant must list the name of their current residency or fellowship along with their program director and anticipated year of graduation. Completed applications shall be reviewed by the Membership Committee and approved by the Executive Council on a quarterly basis. A Candidate Member achieving board certification in Vascular Surgery will be eligible for Active Membership.
  4. Applications for Medical Student membership can be completed electronically from the Society’s website. The term of Medical Student Membership shall be limited to the duration of Medical School attendance. Upon Graduation from Medical School, individual may be eligible to continue as a Candidate Member with enrollment in an accredited Vascular Surgery/General Surgery training program in the United States. Completed applications shall be reviewed by the Membership Committee, and approved by the Executive Council.
  5. Candidates for Honorary Membership shall be proposed in writing to the Executive Council. Candidates approved by the Council will be elected honorary members in accord with the same procedure regarding active membership.
  6. Members in good standing who subsequently take up practice in geographic areas other than the aforementioned states shall continue to be regarded as Active Members of the Society and will be required to pay dues unless he/she/they request to be removed from the membership.
  1. The President and President-Elect of the Society shall be elected to terms of one year each. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected to a three-year term. The incoming and outgoing secretaries shall share duties for a period of six months.
  2. The President shall preside at council meetings and the annual assembly. The President shall appoint members to all standing and ad hoc committees, and shall serve as an ex-officio member of such. Successors to vacated offices of the Society shall be appointed by the President until the position is filled at the next annual assembly. The President shall have the power to appoint a representative to any organization that the president and council believe may be beneficial to the society. The President shall prepare an address for the annual assembly of the Society.
  3. The President-Elect, in the absence or incapacity of the President, shall perform the duties of the President’s office. In the absence of the President-Elect and the President, the Chair shall be assumed by the Secretary and subsequently the Treasurer.
  4. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the meetings of the Society and the Council, receive and care for all records belonging to the Society, and conduct correspondence of the Society. The Secretary shall function as the Chair of the Program Committee for the annual meeting. This office will issue to all members a written report of the preceding year’s transactions to be reviewed with the Council and membership at the annual assembly.
  5. The Treasurer shall receive all monies and funds belonging to the Society, pay all bills, render bills for dues and assessments and report to the Council and membership at the annual assembly meeting. The Treasurer will prepare an annual report for audit.
  6. Councilors at large shall be elected for three-year terms, with election of one counselor occurring annually so as to provide overlapping terms. The duties will be assigned by the President. One Councilor will be appointed as the Society Recorder, with functions of tracking journal submissions and acceptances.
  1. Standing committees of the Society shall consist of the education committee, communications committee, membership committee, nominating committee (composed of the President, President-Elect, and the immediate Past-President), and a program committee.
  2. Ad Hoc committees may be designated by the President with advice of the Council and the President will also define the time of service.
  3. All committees shall be chaired by a member appointed by the President with the advice of the Council.
  1. An annual assembly of the Society shall be held at the time and place to be determined by the Council.
  2. During the annual assembly, there shall be an executive session of the membership. The business of the Society shall be conducted at this time. The report of the nominating committee shall be presented to the membership during the executive session. Nominations may be made from the floor. Officers of the Society and Councilors at-large shall be elected by majority vote of the active and senior membership during the executive session.
  1. Initiation fees, dues, and assessments shall be levied by the Council and approved by the membership at the annual assembly.
  2. Any member whose dues remain unpaid for a period of one year shall be dropped from membership, provided that notification of such a lapse be given at least three months prior to its effective date. The member may be reinstated following payment of the dues in arrears on approval of the Council. Dues should be paid in full to attend annual assembly.
  3. Dues must be paid in full to attend the Annual Assembly.
  4. Senior members who have retired from active practice are exempt from dues by petition.
  1. Resignations of members otherwise in good standing shall be accepted by majority vote of the Council.
  2. Charges of unprofessional or unethical conduct against any member of the Society must be presented in writing and submitted to the Council.
  1. For the transaction of business, the members present at any annual assembly shall constitute a quorum.
  • The Council may by ¾ majority vote, pass resolutions, which clarify the above stated articles as long as the intent of said articles, is not substantially altered. By-Laws may be altered or repealed at the annual assembly by a two/ thirds affirmative vote of the members present.
  • Proceedings of the Society shall be conducted under Roberts’ Rules of Order.

Annual Meeting
September 2023