Risk Factors for Lower Extremity Vascular Complication in Patient on VA ECMO

Presentation in the second session at MVSS 46th Annual Meeting

Utilization of Preoperative Vein Mapping in Patients Undergoing Infra-inguinal Bypass

Presentation from first session of MVSS 46th Annual Meeting

Antiplatelet/NOAC Therapy is associated with worse outcomes after suprainguinal bypass

Presentation from first session of MVSS 46th Annual Meeting

MVSS December 2022 Webinar: Vascular Screening and Patient Access

Impact of care fragmentation on major lower extremity amputations

MVSS 2022 46th Annual Meeting Podium Presentation

2022 Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society Presidential Address – Dr. Raghu Motaganahalli

MVSS President Dr. Raghu Motaganahalli is an Associate Professor of Surgery at the Indiana University School of Medicine and Attending Surgeon at the Indiana University Methodist Hospital. He is the Division Chief of Vascular Surgery and the Program Director of vascular surgery training programs. Dr. Motaganahalli discusses how diversity can strengthen the specialty of vascular surgery as well as fill many of our patients’ unmet needs.
0:00 Introduction of President Elect Dr. Jeffrey Jim by Dr. Ross Milner
0:30 Introduction of the President by Dr. J. Jim
22:00 Start of Presidential Address by Dr. R. Motaganahalli
47:12 Dr. Shahriar Alizadegan from Fond du Lac describes how he helps provide care to vascular patients and his journey to this point
51:35 Dr. Ayman Ahmed at the Marshfield Clinic discusses his challenges as a foreign medical graduate and his path to a vascular surgical career
1:04:46 Dr. Hanna Dakour Aridi gives us her perspective as a FMG who is currently a surgical resident training to become a vascular surgeon.

8th Annual MVSS Introduction to Vascular Surgery Program

Live Q&A session on everything related vascular surgery residency and a career in vascular surgery.
In this video, members of the Midwestern Vascular Surgical Society (@MWVSSociety) review what vascular surgery involves, the patients we take care of, what life is like as a vascular surgeon and what it takes to be a vascular surgeon.